Change your life one bite at a time!

Change your life
one bite at a time!

Choose to change

Nutrition as science is complex, and it is fast changing, and it can change your life, prevent or cause disease and support or hinder healing.

Attempts to offer simple solutions to complex health problems are often catchy and grab your attention – healthy, Low GI, low carb, low fat, Keto, Fodmap… But when the focus is too
narrow, nutrition’s impact on your health will be minimal – or suboptimal.

The healing properties of foods can only be unlocked when we understand how food interacts with our body on all levels (physiological, biochemical and genetic) and acknowledge that our environment and life situation influences our requirements.

To You can learn on the go with MyBetterEatPlan Group Chat courses

We live in a changed world. The virtues of accessing information through the internet and social media has become a nightmare for many – where do you start? What should you believe and do? 

MyBetterEatPlan Group-Chat Course allows you to access cutting-edge science combined with the experience gleaned from the successful treatment of thousands of patients  without moving an inch away from your home or phone and without having to scroll and scroll.

Each course will guide you to make the small but targeted changes to your diet that can significantly influence how you feel and function and respond to stress, illness, infections, pandemics and life’s daily challenges. In addition, you will understand why, will learn how and when and what to do, AND receive the tools to enjoy the journey.

A history of ground-breaking practice

A history of


There is no one size fits! That’s one thing that has become clear to me over the past 30 years as a practicing clinical dietitian working as a consultant to major corporate establishments and running a successful clinical practice alongside a flourishing career as a nutrition expert writer, presenter and public figure. Even in my position as Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick in the UK, I continue to stand in awe of how underestimated the power of nutrition is. Nutrition as science is complex, and it is fast changing, and it can change your life, prevent or cause disease and support or hinder healing. But all the cogs in the machine have to work together for the engine to run smoothly. 

It’s not only about calories, carbs, fat, or just adding multivitamins. Instead, integrating the different nutrition and lifestyle aspects that affect your well-being or condition is critical. This is why I developed the MyBetterEatPlan Group-Chat Course.

I invite you to join me on an exciting and life-changing journey!   

My mission is to help you figure out the best and most enjoyable way to eat better every day!